GNU/ Linux Setup

First Steps

There are many different GNU/Linux distros, but this guide is going to cover Ubuntu, which is one of the more common ones. The first thing you’re going to need is the build-essential package, which contains the gcc and g++ compilers, as well as the common build tool make. In order to do this, simply run (on the command line) apt-get install build-essential.


If you’re planning to write code, you’re going to need a way to edit files! The first thing you’ll need to decide while picking an editor is whether you prefer a graphical editor or a keystroke based editor. A graphical editor is like a normal computer program, where you interact with your mouse and keyboard. A keystroke based editor is an editor where you interact using your keyboard for everything. We only recommend keystroke based editors once you are more comfortable while programming. Two of the most popular graphical editors are Atom and Brackets, while two of the most popular keystoke based editors are vim and emacs.

Now you’re all set to start hacking!

Getting Started with [x]